
Your Guide to Using SLATE

Animation Track

This Track is Legacy. Only use this if you are still working with legacy-based Animation Clips.

The Animation Track works very closely with animation clips of the legacy Unity animation system. Each Animation Track represents a different animation layer, along with its blend mode and transform mixing group (the bones it affects). Animations played on tracks on the top, are actually played on top of animations played on the tracks below!


The Animation Track has the following settings:

  • Weight. The weight of the layer by which all animation clips played in this track will be multiplied by.
  • Blend In. The time it will take to blend in from the “default animation clip” set in the Animation Component (which is usually something like an “Idle”), to the first animation of the track. This is only relevant for the first (bottom) Animation Track of the group.
  • Blend Out. The time it will take to blend out of the last played animation of the track and back to whatever animation was playing before the cutscene started. This is also only relevant for the first Animation Track of the group.
  • Animation Blend Mode. The blend mode that animations of this track will use. Either Blend or Additive.
  • Mix Transform Name. The root transform name within the actor’s hierarchy that the animations will affect along with all its children. You can leave this empty to affect the whole actor hierarchy of course.

Animations can be trimmed or looped, and have blend in/out properties to control the transitions in and out of the animation clip and between others.


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