
Your Guide to Using SLATE

Cutscene Tracks

Cutscene Tracks are added within Cutscene Groups. Certain Tracks can only be added to certain Groups, like for example the Camera Track is able to only be added to the Director Group, or the Animator Track can only be added to the Actor Group, while others can be added to both. The following Cutscene Track types exist in general:

  • Camera Track.
  • Audio Track.
  • Video Track.
  • Action Track.
  • Animator Track.

All Cutscene Tracks have two common inspector properties:

  • Name, which is an optional custom name for the track.
  • Color, which is an optional custom color for the track.

Tracks are always sampled from bottom-to-top, thus in situations where ordering matters, it’s good to remember that tracks on the top, always have “the last word”. So for example, if you have two Subtitles clips one above the other, only the top-most will take effect and show at the same time. Similarly, if you have two or more animated property clips targeting the same property, only the top-most will take effect at the same time as well.

As such, remember that tracks can be re-ordered within their own group.


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