To get started with SLATE and creating a Cutscene simply navigate to “Tools/ParadoxNotion/SLATE/Create New Cutscene”. A new game object with the Cutscene component will be created in the scene.
There are only a few settings in the Cutscene inspector as explained below.
The Update Mode sets the time scale at which the cutscene will be updated and is very similar to the setting that exists on Unity’s Animator components.
The StopMode sets what will happen when the cutscene stops for any reason, usually just because it ended. The options are:
The WrapMode option sets how the cutscene is played back chosen from within these options:
This is simply the speed at which the cutscene is played back. This can be positive or negative.
When this option is turned on an extra option called “Active Layers” will show up. Only the gameobjects that belong to the selected layers will be visible while this cutscene is active while all others will be hidden. This affects only root gameobjects in the scene that have no parent.
The affected actors of all groups of the cutscene will be listed here for convenience, through which you are free to change.
Hit Edit In Slate to open the editor if not already open!
Additionally, you need to please find the prefab named “@DirectorGUI” in the root Slate folder and add it in your scene as well. This GUI prefab is related to some cutscene clips which show subtitles, images, and other text overlays and is required to exist in the scene to get those showing up on the screen.