
Your Guide to Using SLATE

Mecanim Track

This Track is Legacy. Please use the Animator Track.

The Mecanim Track works closely with the Animator component which is required to be attached to the target actor and is responsible for playing mecanim animations by setting the Animator Controller’s state directly, or by setting one of its parameters. The animation is fully previewable in editor as well.

The following clips can be added to the Mecanim Track:

  • CrossFade State will crossfade a specific named state over the clip’s length.
  • Set Bool Parameter will set a boolean parameter and then optionally reset it back to its original state.
  • Set Float Parameter will smoothly ease in and optionally out a float parameter.
  • Set Integer Parameter will smoothly ease in and optionally out an integer parameter.
  • Set Layer Weight will smoothly ease in and optionally out a specific layer weight.
  • Set Trigger will set a trigger parameter.


TIP: In case you do not need the parameter to be blended out to its original value, you can simply set the Blend Out property of the clip to zero (clamping the clip effect).

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