
Your Guide to Using SLATE

Offline Rendering

Thanks to ‘Unity Technologies Japan’ for developing Frame Capturer

A cutscene can optionally be rendered for external use with some other video editing or compositing software. This can be done both in the editor as well as in runtime, with the relevant “Render” button found at the top of Slate Editor window. Doing so will open the Slate Render Utility. Please note that you will need to download the free “Rendering Extension” from the Downloads section and import that into your project for the Rendering Utility to show up.


  • Render Format: You can choose to render either a PNG or EXR Image Sequence.
  • SubFolder in Project: The sub-folder name which will be created (if not already) and used that exists directly within your Unity root project folder.
  • Filename: The suffix name of the rendered image sequence. The filenames will be suffixed with the frame number automatically.
  • Render Passes: If enabled, will render a separate image for each render element, like Specular, Smoothness, Normal, Depth, AO, and so on, for each rendered frame. Please note that this only works in Deferred Lighting Mode. This can be useful for compositing. For example:RenderBuffers
  • Frame Rate: The frame rate to render the cutscene.
  • Resolution: The resolution is taken from the current resolution set in the Game Window. You are free to create any number of different resolutions of any size through, the “+” button in the relevant Game Window dropdown menu as shown below.

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