You can make the Cutscene gameobject a prefab and instantiate it as you would normally do with any gameobject. You can do this for example, simply by drag and dropping the cutscene gameobject from your scene and into some subfolder in your Assets root folder of the “Project” window.
When you need the cutscene to be played, it should be instantiated as any prefab does, with the “Instantiate” function and then call “Play()” on the instantiated cutscene.
Also, please keep in mind that if the cutscene is using gameobject actor references from the scene, Unity is not able to store these scene object references into assets (prefabs are assets as well), meaning that connection to those actor gameobjects will be lost. This is unfortunately a common Unity pitfall.
There are 3 different ways to work around this though, Either:
-1) After instantiating the cutscene, use the function cutscene.SetGroupActorOfName(string name, GameObject newActor) from code, to assign the target actors to the cutscene for each required “Actor Group”. Or,
-2) Have all necessary actor gameobjects, child of the Cutscene gameobject and part of the same prefab. In this way references are not lost.
Please let me know if these work for you.
Regarding the update and version number, if you updated from the asset store the VERSION_NUMBER should be 1.65f, but maybe something went wrong with the Unity package importer. In this case, I suggest that you delete the whole “ParadoxNotion/Slate Cinematic Sequencer” folder and re-import the package from the asset store anew, just so to make sure everything updates correctly.
Of course, please make a backup of your project before doing this.
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