Thanks for letting me know about the CaronteFX fix! I will make sure to update the extension to that fix.
Regarding the Alembic integration, the integration is based on the Unity-Japan Alembic Importer library on github, as far as importing the Alembic file and streaming it.
I just reused the Alembic Importer though to confirm and it’s really working fine on my end (Unity 2017) though.
Some important notes for your information:
1) The .abc file, should be placed under a special Unity folder named “Assets/StreamingAssets”.
2) Regardless of where the imported alembic file root gameobject is created (prefab, no prefab, under Cutscene root, or not), you can drag it under the cutscene root if you want it to be there and link it to the Alembic Track relevant inspector field.
Is it possible for you to please send me your .abc file just to confirm it specifically is working here as well, just in case is something relevant to the file rather than the importer (although I don’t think so).
Thank you!
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