Reply To: Report some bugs and Request some features for 1.80

Slate Forums Support Report some bugs and Request some features for 1.80 Reply To: Report some bugs and Request some features for 1.80



Thanks a lot! I am really glad you like Slate! 🙂
Please let me address your points.

1. Indeed. This is something that needs to be fixed so that it’s not marked as dirty when simply panning around the cutscene.
2. Camera Shots clips, reference a Shot Camera gameobject, that usually lives as a child of the Cutscene within which the camera was originally created. If you make a prefab which references a gameobject that is not child of that same prefab, Unity can’t store the reference. The fact that assets (like prefabs are), can’t have scene object references, is a typical Unity workflow thing. Is that what you meant?

1. Can you please explain what you mean by “spherical coordinates”? 🙂
2. Do you mean completely viewing the cutscene and able to edit it “inline” of the parent cutscene?

Let me know.

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