Great! It is actually pretty easy once you work with Slate for a bit! 🙂
Regarding making a Shot Camera that you have created in the Camera Track follow a path, there are two ways of going about this:
1) You can keyframe the camera’s position/rotation right within the Camera Shot Clip and editor the motion path of the keyframes right within the Scene View. This is the way I would recommend animating a Camera Shot due to being straightforward while remain flexible to changes.
2) The alternative way if you definitely want to use the “Path” object, is to:
– Drag and Drop the Shot Camera from the hierarchy into the Slate editor to create an Actor Group.
– Within the Action Track of that newly created Actor Group, add the “Follow Path” action clip.
– Assign the “Path” object to the “Follow Path” action clip.
The second way is more fiddly as you can see, thus once again I would definitely recommend keyframing the position/rotation parameters of the Camera Shot Clip directly:
– Simply click the “Key” icon next to the position and the rotation parameters in the Camera Shot clip inspector.
– Move the Cutscene time through the various points in time you want to add a keyframe and move/rotate the camera to automatically set a keyframe.
Please let me know if that helps, or if of course you need any further help or clarifications!
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