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Thanks for the explanation, I definitely understand. (Sorry in advance, I didn’t realize how long this message became until after I finished writing it!)

I had a few more questions, if you don’t mind, in regard to some complex effects I was just trying to use. In the image below you will see the object I have highlighted, that object has two materials one is a distortion, the other is the color effects for the force field. Normally what happens is on the top level parent (ForceFieldBasic08) there is a control script in which you would a few different options in which you can adjust how the forcefield behaves but I believe because of the nature of how Slate works in editor and not actually “playing” it is not wanting to work right. I contacted the dev of this asset and he helped me out but unfortunately, it is only partially working. On the materials themselves, there is a property called _maskAppearProgress and if I adjust it manually with slate instead of the property on the parent control script it works in Slate. The problem though, if you see in the second pic when I use “Animate Material Float” on the Sphere01 object from the first pic and have it adjust when it only is adjusting one of the materials. It is a bit hard to see because it is mostly clear, but in the second pic that distortion field is always there and is not adjusting along with/at the same time as the colored field. I tried to slowly adjust it by hand in the pic so you could see that when the blue fades in and out the other later is still there until I scrub far enough back that it disables the gameobject.

So my question is when I add Sphere01 to the Slate editor and I add a Material Float editor, how can I select which of the materials I want to adjust so that I can adjust them both at the same time? Do I have to have a script or something that can make it so that both can be changed at the same time by a single adjustment? The only problem I see with that is, that is what the original control script was trying to do and it would not work. Well, it would work the very first time you load the whole project, once you activated that gameobject the first time it would go through but if you scrub back and it disables the gameobject, the next time you do it, it would just instantly appear and would never animate anymore until you closed it and reopened. That has to do with how it was made though and the fact it is in editor and not actually “playing” which is fine, as it still seems like it will work fine doing the adjustments I mentioned.


I had to make this a link because it was a gif and the forum didn’t want to display it.

My next question is in a similar vein, I was trying to also use some magic effects from the “Realistic Effects Pack 4” which similarly also uses a primary control script which gets things started but then most have multiple subcomponents, which may have their own scripts as well. The first pic below is the top level parent which has the main control script. In the code for that one once it is enabled it essentially ends up running “Effect.SetActive(true);” for the child effects that need to be activated. In this particular example, it activates Effect24_Optimized, which you can see in the hierarchy of the second pic. One of the child components of that is the Lazy Load script which, of course, acts as a time delay for the different parts of the whole effect to take place. So the first one it loads is the Start Explosion, which in the 3rd pics you can see has several of its own components which make up the “first phase” of the overall effect. The highlighted example in that pic (ParticlesLight) also has its own scripts for turbulence and what not. So as you can see, it ends up being a fairly complex system. It all works just fine the way it is set up in a normal “play” scenario, but that is not what we are dealing with here.

So my next question is, how would you recommend I go about trying to make things like this work? Ideally, I could be able to just kick off the primary control script and let it and each of its subcomponents do its thing but it does not seem like that is going to work well. What is the best way to go about setting these complex “chain reactions” so that I don’t end up having to put every single component into Slate as its own complete and new group? I would probably end up with 30+ groups just for that one magic cast if I were to use every aspect of it as it is now.




Thanks a million!