Reply To: Raising animation change events

Slate Forums Support Raising animation change events Reply To: Raising animation change events


Thanks for the suggestion. I’ll have to give the animation event approach a try with the code modification you pointed out. My concern with animation events is whether it would be reliable given the way Slate blends animation clips, and the possibility of offsetting the animation start time. For example, if I add an animation event to frame 1 of my “typing” animation clip, and blend that animation in with a preceding clip, will the frame 1 event be fired? I’ll do some testing on that.

And to answer your specific question, the reason for wanting this kind of functionality is because I have a certain set of animations that are always accompanied by some sound effects. For example, the “typing” animation should always trigger a “typing” sound effect to play. Walking is another example. Right now I’m independently starting the animations and the sound effects, and so a change to the animation requires that I realign the sound effect clips as well. Not the end of the world, but something I’d prefer a unified approach for.
