For your information, I did not write the rendering library myself and Slate IS using that same UTJ FrameRecorder which is freely distributed on github. It is just slightly altered and to nicely integrate with Slate. Thus the ability of the rendering is more or less limited by the UTJ FrameRecorder library capabilities. The library has been through several updates/improvement, but as long as I remember it always had some issues with MP4 video recording.
This is why I always suggest that people use the PNG/EXR Image Sequence format for rendering. If you also want to export the audio, then you could use the MP4 format only for the audio and composite the Image Sequencer with the exported audio from the MP4 in a video sequencer. While I understand it would certainly be more convenient to have it all in one go, this is literaly a 5 minutes job to do in any descent video editor 🙂
With that said, I will take a nother look at the UTJ library ( and the integration) to see if something can be improved from my end.
Thank you.
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