Reply To: Unity's Timeline vs Slate

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I am obviously biased since I am the developer of Slate, but here are a couple of things that make Slate still relevant.

  • There are dozens of pre-made clips to control everything.
  • Creating custom clips is very easy if still want to.
  • Camera animation is “built-in” Slate and it’s very easy to make shots, both manually animated and semi-procedural (ala cinemachine).
  • Slate shows “motion trails” for all position related keyframes in the scene view (ala Cinema4D).
  • There is a handy feature called Virtual Actor References, which helps with prefab actors.
  • Some clips have the option to be animated either in Global, Cutscene, or Local space, which can be powerfull for re-usable cutscenes.

The above are just a couple of things, but in general Slate strives to be an all-in-one and easy package for cutscenes in Unity and it’s still very relevant, hence the reason I still work with it, support and update it 🙂


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