Reply To: Repeating same SubCutscene again throws Playable is Invalid

Slate Forums Support Repeating same SubCutscene again throws Playable is Invalid Reply To: Repeating same SubCutscene again throws Playable is Invalid


Okay, I’ve managed to create an easy to reproduce test case that exhibits this issue:

  • Create a Cutscene, which we’ll call “SubScene”. Drag in some model with an Animator on it, and add an Animation Clip to the Animator track.
  • Create another cutscene, which we’ll call “MainScene”. Add a SubCutscene track to it, and add SubScene to it twice. You can putĀ  small gap between the SubCutscenes or not. I don’t think it matters.

Upon playing the MainScene, you’ll get the error when it plays the SubCutscene a second timeĀ if the Animation Clip in the SubCutscene extends beyond the end of the cutscene. See the attached screenshot. If I change the endpoint of the SubCutscene so that the animation clip doesn’t go off the end of the Cutscene, it plays fine. But if I let the Animation Clip go beyond the end, I get the error.

The “workaround” is just to make sure the animation clip doesn’t go beyond the end of the cutscene. But I figured I’d pass along the test case.

  1. TestCase.png