Reply To: Chaining Pathfind To Actions

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Sorry for the late reply.

As soon as I am back from a the small vacation that I am now, I will make an improvent to match the previous Target with the next Source as well as the take a look once again for making the rotation smoothly interpolate.

The rotation at the start of the pathfinding clip, can be smoothed by increase the Blend In parameter of the clip. Is that what you mean?

Regarding padding/offset, these are things that can be set on the Navigation tab and are part of the NavMesh baking (specifically the “Agent Radius” in the Unity Navigation tab). If you mean extra padding on a per Pathfinding clip basis, I am afraid that it will go far beyond what the clip’s scope is 😛 (and a great deal of work really). Could maybe a clip within which you are able to set multiple path points instead of only Start and Target, be a better solution to your case? This way you can for example create a path point at the timing where the two agents meet, so that they (manually) pathfind around one another.

Let me know.

Thank you!

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