Reply To: Transition from animator to cut scene animator

Slate Forums Support Transition from animator to cut scene animator Reply To: Transition from animator to cut scene animator


Hello there,

Unfortunately this is not supported even though I have tried my best to make it possible. I have managed to make the animator animation playback when there is no Slate animation track/clip playing, but there still exist some problems. More specifically, when the cutscene starts, there is a snap because as soon as an animation graph is applied to the animator to play, the animator playback time resets to 0 (meaning at the start of the animation output that the animator is currently playing). This is something I am not yet able to figure out and make it work, but I will give it another shot for sure!

If you want, I can send you the changes I’ve made that make the animator animation play “bellow” any Slate Animator Tracks to check it out. Even though not exactly what you want here, it could help.

Let me know.

Thank you.

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