Reply To: Adventure Creator support package says "nothing to import"

Slate Forums Support Adventure Creator support package says "nothing to import" Reply To: Adventure Creator support package says "nothing to import"


Hello and sorry for the late reply,

Hmm.. it might be something related to caching as far as the package go.  I have attached for you the package again here. Can you please give it a try and let me know if that works for you (and actually have something to import) ?

By the way, I also think that AdventureCreator includes the integration in it’s package and you do need to enable some define that the Adventure Create dev made (but I am not really sure if that is still the case).

Regarding cameras, Slate does indeed use and render everything though it’s own camera (RenderCamera). The reason for this design choice, is so that it does not affect the game camera, but neither the game camera (eg control scripts) affect the cutscene. This way we dont have to explicitly enable/disable potential behaviours that are attached on the main/game camera.

What kind of changes did you make if you want to share?


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