Reply To: Render Utility prob- maybe related to URP?

Slate Forums Support Render Utility prob- maybe related to URP? Reply To: Render Utility prob- maybe related to URP?


Hello again,

I just noticed that you mentioned you are using SRP (Universal Render Pipeline) in your first post and I can confirm that right now the rendering does not work with SRP. The reason is that the FrameCapturer library ( that is used in Slate for rendering, does not support SRP and apparently has not been updated ever since. 🙁

I will try to modify it to work with SRP and if that does not seem to work, then I will probably replace it and move to the officially released Unity Recorder ( which seems like it does. You could probably also directly use Unity Recorder with Slate right now, but of course a more neat integration with it will be much better! 🙂


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