Reply To: Animate Transform (position and rotation) Action Clip

Slate Forums Custom Clips Animate Transform (position and rotation) Action Clip Reply To: Animate Transform (position and rotation) Action Clip


No other difference. Animate Properties was fine with that one exception of not having position/rotation handles on the object itself. That will be a useful addition.

There was one thing I couldn’t find a way to do: Make an action clip thatĀ just showed a rotation handle. In addition to making a “Animate Transform” clip, I also thought it would be useful to create an “Animate Rotation” clip, which was only for rotations. This is useful for certain bones that only rotate but don’t translate. However, the trouble I had is that in Slate, it seems that a rotation handle requires a position handle to sync it up to. In other words, I couldn’t renderĀ just a rotation handle without also rendering a position handle. But since I was ignoring the position in my “Animate Rotation” clip, it didn’t work very well, and go out of sync.

So, I imagine it’s pretty straightforward for Animate Properties to show a position handle. But it might be tricky to show just a rotation handle when animating only rotation. Maybe that will require decoupling the rotation and position handles from each other.