Reply To: Bugs (Animator jump, skinned mesh particle, editor lag,)

Slate Forums Support Bugs (Animator jump, skinned mesh particle, editor lag,) Reply To: Bugs (Animator jump, skinned mesh particle, editor lag,)


Hello again 🙂

1) I just tried Skinned Mesh Particle emitter and even without Slate doing anything (thus only FinalIK FBIK alone), the particles still do not show correctly emitting from the mesh when a limb for example has its IK positioned somewhere. I have tested this in Unity 2019.4.16f1. I have tried both fixTransforms and non fixTransforms but both result the same. As such it seems that this issue is not really related to Slate in any way (I didn’t even have Slate installed in the test project).

2) I unfortunately wasn’t able to replicate any sort of “jumping” when blending two animator clips on an actor (I have also tried multiple animator layers). Can you please provide an example case of this issue? A reproduction of this problem will be very helpful as usual of course!

3) Can you please describe when the “lag” happens more specifically? For example, does it happen when you scrub a cutscene time, when you are moving clips around, or something different? Also by saying “prefab”, do you mean working with a cutscene prefab instance in the scene?

4) Are you referring to “position” as in root motion position of the character, or as in IK position of a final IK limb for example? I presume you are referring to IK limb, however after testing this here, the limb position is always correct… Once again a reproduction case example would be great here so that I can see what you mean since I can’t find any problems on my end. :-/

5) I have just added an option in the Preferences named “Auto Create Director Camera”. When this is disabled no director camera will automatically be created.

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