Reply To: Problem: AnimatorTrack won’t play 2D sprites animation at some cutscene length

Slate Forums Support Problem: AnimatorTrack won’t play 2D sprites animation at some cutscene length Reply To: Problem: AnimatorTrack won’t play 2D sprites animation at some cutscene length


Hello! I used a free 2D animation asset from AssetStore as a test, and the same problem occurs in the art assets of our project.

You can test through this link:

And My Unity version is 2021.2.0f1, Slate version is 2.1.0, NodeCanvas version is 3.21. I also imported latest NC_Slate, cinemachine integrations.

Thank you.


  1. Snipaste_2022-03-26_02-25-55.png

  2. Snipaste_2022-03-26_02-25-552.png