Reply To: SLATE Bug/Request list #1

Slate Forums Support SLATE Bug/Request list #1 Reply To: SLATE Bug/Request list #1



1. That problem occurs with Unity3d 5.3.4f1. And SLATE version is latest (unitypackage size is 345,404bytes)
And I can’t find version information SLATE window or txt file.

2. For a while, I will use that preference. And I expecting new version 🙂

3. I agree with your original thought.
But I think some case If x,y,z values have big gap, some curve will hard to edit exactly
For example, if x 0~1, z -1000~1000 then It will be hard to edit x value on a CurveEditor.
But sometimes want to see 3 properties like your thought.
So If you choose to make the filter, That need some options (ex: All, Filtered…)
You may reference 3dsMax’s curve editor

And the context menu is this.
Layer select context menu
You can reference various layer selector on

4. Yes! This!

Feel free to discuss any issue with me.

  1. SLATE-previewPosition.png