Hello again. Thank you for the clarification. I wanted to let you know that I am investigating this, but can you please further clarify whether you animated the blend shapes using animation clips (therefore an Animator Track), or did you use the relevant Slate blend shape clips (on an Action Track) for that?
Thank you.
All of the blend shape animation I’m doing is via animation clip on an Animator track. The animations are exported from another program (Character Creator), and include a bunch of blend shapes, which would be really difficult to achieve using the Slate blend shape action clip.
I’ve attached a screenshot of how I’m animating the blend shapes.
But it seemed that this wasn’t unique to Blend Shapes. Pretty much any other property on a SMR I tried to animate via an Animation Clip produced the same result (where the SMR wasn’t returned to its initial state when stopping or reversing out of the clip.)
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