Reply To: Triggers

Slate Forums Support Triggers Reply To: Triggers


Thanks for getting FlowCanvas.

The Slate – FlowCanvas node should first be assigned a Slate cutscene through it’s inspector panel.
All Inputs and Outputs of this node are related to “stuff” that happen on that assigned cutscene.

The inputs Play, Stop and Skip I presume are pretty self-explanatory:
Play, will play the cutscene.
Stop, will stop the cutscene.
Skip, will skip to the next cutscene section, in case the cutscene has any sections created.

As for the outputs:
Start, will be called whenever the cutscene begins play, like for example just after the Play input is called.
Finish, will be called once the cutscene is finished or stopped.
On Cutscene Event, will be called whenever the cutscene fires an event. The Event Name and Event Value outputs of the node will contain the relevant information as well. Events can be raised in the Slate cutscene by using the actions clips of the category named “Events” of the Director Action Tack.


Let me know if you need any more help.

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  1. SlateCutscene.png