Reply To: Move along path using root motion's speed

Slate Forums Support Move along path using root motion's speed Reply To: Move along path using root motion's speed


Hello guys,

In the next update the FollowPath action clip will have the ability to be traversed with a uniform speed regardless of where the control points are. I will try and send the update ASAP since that’s probably the most requested feature right now 🙂

Using root motion speed is an interested idea which I will have to look more into it to see how/if at all possible in one way or another.
Explanation in case you want to know: The problem with this is that because the sequencer has to be deterministic, we have to know where the character will be by the end of the FollowPath action clip, but if the speed is varied based on the animation clips played along at the same time, it is somewhat impossible to determine the final character position and all intermediate positions beforehand and in an efficient manner. This is very different from doing the same in a gameplay Unity Update method for example, where we don’t care about the future, but rather only for what is going on now. I hope this was not very confusing and made sense. 🙂


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