Reply To: A Few questions before buying

Slate Forums Support A Few questions before buying Reply To: A Few questions before buying



Thanks for your interest in Slate! 🙂
Considering I understood correctly, then yes, Slate should be suitable. The good parts that I think would make Slate suitable for this, is the fact that the same cutscene can be played back exactly the same on different world coordinates. What I mean by that, is that all transform animations stored in a Slate cutscene, is local to the cutscene gameobject, so instead of animations playing (or instances spawned) in World Space, they do so in Cutscene Space if so required.

Furthermore, before a cutscene begins play, it is indeed possible to set the target affected actors in runtime, so that the same cutscene can be played back with different target actors/objects.

A cutscene can also be saved as a prefab (but not editable when it is a prefab) so that it can be spawned and be reused at different scenes. Of course, by Unity standards, Prefabs can not have scene object references, so after spawning the cutscene prefab, you should assign the affected target actors/objects.

Finally, playing audio, playing animations, sending events, or instantiating objects at specific times is of course possible since that is what is all about 🙂

So, yes. I think that Slate can work pretty well for what you are after and if there is something missing for achieving this, I’d be more than happy to add it.

Let me know if you have any questions of course.

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