3 bugs

Slate Forums Support 3 bugs

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  • #1862


    There 3 Anoying bugs that i encountered in.
    Using: Unity 2018.3, Slate 1.9.1 (current) released Feb 5, 2019.

    1.) i can’t delete tracks, also not in the current slate update. This is really important because my cutscene looks really messed up.

    2.) I don’t know really what is happening but if i play a cutscene, my character inputs do not work correctly after playing my cutscene, with using the Animator Animation track. Also if i leave and enter the playmode. It seams my Threasholds have diffrent values after playing my cutscene, but i can’t see changes in Runtime. Also i can’t play my Animator Stats anymore(only freelocomotion wich i use for basic input walk etc.). This happens totally randomly but most time it happens. If i use the unity animation timeline i dosen’t happen.

    3.) If i switch console window to slate window i got following error:

    CutsceneEditor.cs / Line 1264
    ArgumentException: Getting control 1’s position in a group with only 1 controls when doing repaint

    Thanks for any help.



    Please let me address the pointed issues:

    1) Cutscene tracks can not be deleted if they are part of the prefab asset. As such, you need to delete the track from the prefab asset itself, instead of the prefab instance in your scene for example.

    2) Hm..Can you please confirm that after the cutscene is finished, the Animator Component of your character is enabled?

    3) This is a known issue. It’s not anything harmfull, but it needs to be fixed anyway 🙂

    Please let me know.
    Thank you.

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