Follow step
1, Create a new cutscene_A
2, Drag any prefab_B from Resources into Slate Editor to create a ActorGroup with prefab_B
3, Drag cutscene_A into Resources to create cutscene_A prefab
4, Click Slate Editor Button Play and Stop in Unity Editor Mode
5, Click Unity Play Button into Play Mode and will find is miss prefab reference
I find the problem is last do the code
foreach(var o in cutscene.GetComponentsInChildren(typeof(IDirectable), true).Cast<Object>() ){
==> if o == ActorGroup, is SomeGameObject(clone) when play and stop in editor mode,
so into unity play mode will miss prefab reference, because SomeGameObject(Clone) destroyed
and I fix the problem is set willDirty = true after click slate stop button`
if (GUILayout.Button(Styles.stopIcon, (GUIStyle)”box”, GUILayout.Width(20), GUILayout.Height(20))){