When I try to use “Animate Material Color” effect on a model’s arms when the model is playing an Animator animation, and the model’s arms will change Color as setting but not play the animation, instead it show on a ward position even when the CutScene is end, the model’s arms won’t come back.
Only way to restore the model is remove the “Animate Material Color” track and revert prefabs form disk.
That is a bug indeed. Thanks for reporting this.
I have attached for you here a fix update which resolves this issue. Please import the attached unitypackage and let me know if everything works as expected.
Thank you!
unfortunately it did not work.
the animation is still not showing, although it worked once, then same as before the animation did only work for the first path and not for the second
another thing how do I manage to make a cube follow a path, actually I want to open a slide door at some point in the cutscene I thought I make the door object follow a short path, but nothing happen
Hmm. Can you please send me a small project showcasing this issue you are facing with animation not playing? It would greatly help if so.
Regarding your other questions, your script will not work in editor mode, but rather only in playmode since it is using the Unity API (Start) to execute. What you can instead do to move the door, would be to simply use one of the included clips named, “Translate To” or “Translate By”, since this is exactly what those action clips are there for 🙂
Alternatively, if you want completely control, you can use the “Animate Properties” action clip, and manually keyframe the .position property of the door in time.