Animations don't show at all?

Slate Forums Support Animations don't show at all?

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    I may be missing something, but it seems like anything that was already animated in the game world does not animate at all in the cutscene? So only objects and properties you animate directly in the slate cutscene editor will animate during the cutscene? So then the whole world comes to a standstill? Or you have to animate everything again? That seems like madness and totally impractical. I really hope it’s not the case, but I just did a couple of test renders and nothing that had animation on it outside the cutscene editor moved at all.



    Hmm. Are you saying that while in play mode, a cutscene is started, the rest of the objects outside of the cutscene are frozen?
    In play mode, objects outside of a cutscene are not affected at all and will continue doing what they were doing (eg animating). Starting a cutscene does not “take over the world” 🙂 to a still. The only objects that are affected when a cutscene is started, are the objects the cutscene affects (target GameObjects of Actor Groups), but even those are not affected animation wise, unless you have an Animation, Animator, or Mecanim Track added to that Actor’s group.

    Can you please share a screenshot of your cutscene, or better yet send a test project to to check this out.
    Thanks in advance.

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    I don’t know about in play mode, but I tried to render the test scene I set up and nothing moved that had animations on it. If it doesn’t move in the render then what is the point of being able to render the cutscene? You just get a video of a still image.

    I would have tried it in play mode but I have no idea how to even make the cutscene play in play mode. How does that even work? There is no description anywhere I can find that helps in any way to explain how this thing works. No tutorials, nothing on youtube, unless you happen to be Korean, so how can anyone know how stuff works? The documentation just describes what the main UI elements are. That doesn’t tell anyone how to set anything up or get anything running at all.


    Hello again,

    I will update the documentation with a lot more of information and how-to, in the next couple of days.

    Regarding the problem you are facing, have you added the objects in question in the Slate editor and add an Animation/Animator Track to play an animation clip on those objects? In other words, when you move the time in the “timebar” in the Slate editor, does anything happen?
    Can you please share a screenshot of your cutscene, or better yet send me your project to check it out (, so that I can better assist you ?

    For making a cutscene play as soon as you enter PlayMode, please create a “Cutscene Starter”, through top menu “Tools/ParadoxNotion/Slate/Extras/Create Cutscene Starter” and then assign your created cutscene in the inspector.
    With that done, as soon as you enter Play Mode, your cutscene will start playing immediately as well.
    Please let me know if that works for you.

    Thank you.

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