I have just downloaded and installed the latest Slate into a project on Unity 2017.2.3f1
Immediately after install I get a compile error:
Assets/ParadoxNotion/SLATE Cinematic Sequencer/Directables/Tracks/Runtime/Actor/AnimatorTrack_2017.cs(205,16): error CS1061: Type UnityEngine.Animations.AnimationLayerMixerPlayable' does not contain a definition forPause’ and no extension method Pause' of typeUnityEngine.Animations.AnimationLayerMixerPlayable’ could be found. Are you missing an assembly reference?
As far as I can tell, if I comment out that line (205) everything seems to be working correctly but I am unsure if it is stable.
Welcome and thanks for purchasing Slate!
Due to the constant and many changes Unity has gone through in their animation API within their few latest version, as far as v2017 goes, only 2017.3+ is supported. If you are able to please upgrade to Unity 2017.3 (or of course 2018.x) you will not encounter any such problems.
While it would be possible to work with Pause commented out, you might encounter some slight animation jumping because both Slate and the Animation Graph will be updating the animation in the same frame, thus I strongly suggest an update to 2017.3+ if possible.