Any way to Ping-Pong a specific Animation Track?

Slate Forums Support Any way to Ping-Pong a specific Animation Track?

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  • #2008

    I have an animation clip that I’d like to be able to use as an idle, but in order to make it look right I’ll need to ping-pong it.

    Unfortunately, Unity won’t allow me to ping-pong the clip itself, and SLATE doesn’t appear to allow us to ping-pong an AnimationClip either, just a whole cutscene.

    I tried to get around this by using a sub-cutscene that itself is set to Ping-Pong, but that playback setting isn’t honored in the master cutscene.


    Hello and very sorry for late reply due to summer vacation!

    I have just added an option in the inspector of the Slate animation clip to choose either Loop or PingPong for the animation playback. I have attached the change for you here in a unitypackage. Please let me know if that works for you as expected.


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