So i have 2 problems but i think they are correlated. First problem is that when blending 2 animation tracks my character moves in y value.
Second problem is that whenever i create a animator track for a gameobject the default state is this weird position that i have no idea how to fix. Because its also a lot lower than the t-pose it had before that.
1. The y values of the 2 anims are not uniform. You’ll probably need to fix one of the anims outside Slate to match the other’s y value.
2. That’s Slate’s standard pose, indicating the full humanoid rigging. Obviously it’s only meant for the editor, the anim clip is meant to override it.
i checked and theres no set y values for the animations, i got these just from mixamo. When i put the same animations in an isolated project in timeline they do not go down when blending? i really want to fix this because i really prefer slate over timeline