1) I make simple CutScene 1 that uses FadeIn and Out
2) I make simple CutScene 2 that didn’t uses FadeIn.
3) The game screen will be black on playing CutScene2 after CutScene1.
I sent a email with a project to reproduce.
This is CutScene1. And Game screen.
This is CutScene2. And Game screen.
Code is
public class CutScenePlayer : MonoBehaviour
public Slate.Cutscene CutScene1;
public Slate.Cutscene CutScene2;
// Use this for initialization
IEnumerator Start ()
Debug.Log(“CutScene 1 Play Start”);
CutScene1.Play(() => { Debug.Log(“CutScene 1 Play End”); });
yield return new WaitForSeconds(1.2f);
Debug.Log(“CutScene 2 Play Start”);
CutScene2.Play( () => { Debug.Log(“CutScene 2 Play End”); } );