Camera Blend In / Out

Slate Forums Support Camera Blend In / Out

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  • #1784

    Hi Gavalakis, me again, sorry.

    I notice in the CameraTrackInspector, you clamp the Blend In and Blend Out to half of the cutscene length. I presume you do this to ensure that people don’t overlap the blend in/out points. But I have a cutscene that’s 16s long, where I want to blend in over 9s and out over 1s.

    So I’ve changed the code to allow for any blending length, as long as the combined total is less than the cutscene length.

    Any disadvantages to doing this that I’m missing?




    Hello again,

    No disadvantaged at all in making this change. Any blend In/Out value should work without a problem as long as they dont overlap 🙂

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    Hi There, thanks for Slate, we’re using 2017.4 LTS and Timeline has very little features in this version.

    May I ask if this hard limit is also inherited by the cinemachine plugin or if this behaviour is to be expected in all the Slate behaviour ?

    I’m in a situation where I want to be able to blend between 3 cameras without any pause time, A blends to B which blends to C immediatelly after A stopped being blend. Also A blends to B immediatelly after first scene. Overall we’d like to have full control of the blending process in all tracks.



    Hello and sorry for the late reply.

    This is an old thread and since then, the limit of having a blend value at max equal to half the clip has been revoked. 🙂 Right now, a blend value can span across the whole length of a clip.  As such, you can blend in from A to B and have B blend to C immediately after, considering I understood the question well.


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    Allright, then I don’t get why I’m having a really hard time moving the boxes closer to each other in my timeline. The drag just won’t allow them to blend more and changing the values (In/Out/Blends…) in the unity editor window does not allow me to go further.

    I though it was related to cinemachine plugin but again the same happens with Animation Blending and if I try with a regular camera track.

    I posted a picture with the limit I’m reaching. I’d like a 99.9% overlapping.

    Thanks again (Unity 2017.4.33, Slate 1.9.6f)


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