camera speed

Slate Forums Support camera speed

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    can I reduce the speed of the camera animation?
    I just create a camera shot then st the keys and modify the position and rotation, but I want even if the shot take 2 seconds that the movement is slower. should I create more than a Start and end Key, to do that effect?



    I am not sure I understand what you mean. 🙂
    If a keyframed shot animation (or any other animation for that matter) is 2 seconds, then that’s the speed of the animation. If you want the animation to be slower, then you should make the time gap between the 2 keyframes bigger than 2 seconds 🙂

    On the other hand, if you mean “smoother”, rather than slower, thus modifying the interpolation between the 2 keyframes (aka Tweening), then what you are looking after here, is modifying the animation curves of the parameters instead.
    The animation curves can be modified either by clicking the foldout button on the left of the parameter on the inspector, or by clicking the “Curve” button on the track and selecting the shot clip you want to modify it’s parameters.


    Let me know if that helps, or if you mean something different.

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    What I mean, is a slow motion effect some how
    for example, let we say the camera shot takes 2 seconds. And on the beginning of the shot key1 the camera is on position X=1
    at the end of the shot on Key2 I want the camera on position X=4
    sometimes the camera moves too fast so I can’t really see what is a long the X Axis I tried to make a key on X= 2 another on X =3 but even though it’s still too fast.



    If you indeed want a SlowMotion effect thus affect the TimeScale that the game is running, you can use action clip named “Environment/Animate TimeScale” which can be added in an ActionTrack of the Director Group.
    Otherwise, if you just want the shot animation only, to be slower, then you really just need to set the keyframes of that shot further apart in time, thus lengthening the shot and making the animation longer.

    Let me know.

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