Can't get DialogueTree MultiChoice to work

Slate Forums Support Can't get DialogueTree MultiChoice to work

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    No doubt user error, but after reading the documentation I still can’t get MultiChoice to work. Can I get some help?

    I have an Event System in the scene, Dialogue Actors assigned and @DialoguUGUI. Normal speaking actions work fine, but Player input doesn’t seem to work.
    If I setup conditions in the Dialogue Multiple Choice (using any kind of condition task, e.g. keyboard input, button input, whatever), the tree fails immediately (even with the Available Time set to 10). There’s a console message telling me that ‘Multiple Choice Node has no available options. Dialogue Ends’:

    If remove the conditions the tree holds on the choice (for 10 seconds) but clicking on either of the UI buttons is ignored, and I just get a Warning in the console telling me that ‘Invalid texture used for cursor – check import settings’.
    – This also doesn’t automatically disable the mouse look lock cursor, which I’m surprised about. Does code like playerController.m_MouseLook.lockCursor = false; have to be added as a script action task before any MultiChoice that uses mouse input?

    Any additional help on getting this basic set-up to work would be much appreciated!

    ps. the Help/Docs links in the asset splash screen (Welcome window) all link to a domain that’s no longer registered:

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    This is the NodeCanvas website:

    With that said, a condition task set in the Multiple Choice Options, simply enables, or disables that option in apearing in the first place. So for example, you might use a condition to disable/hide an option.

    The reason why the UI buttons for the options are not clickable, is most than probably because you have not add the Unity UI “Event System” in your scene. This is a component required for all UI interactions. You can add this quickly from the Unity top menu: “GameObject -> UI -> Event System”. This will create a gameobject with the required Event System component and with that done, the UI options of the Multiple Choice node, should now be clickable.

    Let me know if that works for you.

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