Character Head Look At ISSUE

Slate Forums Support Character Head Look At ISSUE

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  • #2189

    I have an issue with the Character Head Look At. I added it as it was told within the Documentation.

    I added the Character to the GameObject that’s supposed to look at things, attached the CORRECT head and neck to the boxes.
    I made sure that it was all correct, when checking out the documentation.

    Can anyone possibly send me a quick video on how to make this work?

    Thanks in advance!


    Hello there and welcome 🙂

    • Is your Action Clip in the Slate timeline red by any chance? If not…
    • Is the “Weight” of the Look At clip anything above 0?
    • Have you tried changing the “Up Vector” and “Rotation Offset” in the “Character” component?

    Is it that nothing is happening at all, or that the look rotation is wrong?

    Let me know. Thanks!

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