Character look at offset

Slate Forums Support Character look at offset

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    I need to get some of my NPC to look at the main character during a cutscene. But when I apply the character look at clip they twist their head wrong. It doesn’t matter what world up I choose in the character component. Is it possible to add som sort of offset to this effect. As of now the character looks with its ear instead of the eyes.

    Thanks in advance,


    Hello Eric,

    Sorry for the late reply!
    Yes, this has already been added for the next version.
    I have just send you the updated files to your registered email.
    There is now a Rotation Offset property in the Character component inspector just under the Up Vector property.

    Depending on the rotations of the bones in the character rig, you might need different offset value though.
    For a model from 3DS Max for example, I found that an offset of (0, -90, -90) works well, but in your case these might be different.

    Let me know how that works for you once you’ve imported the send package.

    Join us on Discord:


    Thank you very much! It works like a charm 🙂


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