Compiler errors after Import older Packages with Cutscenes

Slate Forums Support Compiler errors after Import older Packages with Cutscenes

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  • #743

    Slate is a great tool….

    but now, after import al packages with a Cutscene, i have created in September the 12th, there ist a compiler error in Unity and the Animation doesn´t run.

    Here ist the error:
    Assets/Pre!Plan_03/Robi/ParadoxNotion/SLATE Cinematic Sequencer/Directables/Clips/Runtime/ActionTrack/ActorActions/Paths/AnimateOnPath.cs(43,48): error CS0115: `Slate.ActionClips.AnimateOnPath.defaultTransformSpace’ is marked as an override but no suitable property found to override

    New created Cutscenes are running perfect (I love it!!!)

    I have to tried to fix it myself, but it is not running.

    Could you help me?



    Hello and thanks a lot for your feedback! I am very glad you like Slate 🙂

    It seems that there went something wrong when you re-imported the package in the project. Did you do so from the asset store?
    Please try deleting the Slate folder completely from your project and re-import it anew from the asset store once again.

    Please let me know if everything works correctly after re-import.
    Thanks again!

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