Cutscene editor throws warnings in latest 2021.3 LTS

Slate Forums Support Cutscene editor throws warnings in latest 2021.3 LTS

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  • #2592

    Just a heads up that CutsceneEditor.cs has an issue in the latest 2021.3 LTS. You’ve got a conditional expression related to finding “ToolbarSeachCancelButton”, which it looks like Unity has backported a fix for, so now it’s “ToolbarSearchCancelButton”. This currently spams console warnings any time the Cutscene editor is open.

    The workaround, for anyone in the meantime, is to go to CutsceneEditor.cs,  and look for the “#if UNITY_2022_3_OR_NEWER”, and change it to “#if UNITY_2021_3_OR_NEWER”.



    I thought the change was made in 2022.3, but apparently it was made in 2021.3 as it seems.

    Thank you for letting me know 🙂

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