Cutscene is not provided – After Update Unity and Slate

Slate Forums Support Cutscene is not provided – After Update Unity and Slate

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  • #1695

    Hi, I just updated my Unity version to 2018.2.5f1 and, after that, I updated my slate to version 1.8.1. Now I’m getting this message: Cutscene is not provided and when I open my cutscene with “EDIT IN SLATE” button, it shows an empty project. Did I loose my work?


    Hello Alvaro,

    I have replied to your email regarding this problem. Here is my email reply for your convenience. Please let me know either here or through email.

    It is very unlikely that you’ve lost any work and this can be just some Editor GUI bug, or it seems that not all files have been compiled correctly after the update.
    I have however just tried Slate 1.8.1 with Unity 2018.2.5f1 and I don’t see any apparent issues.

    Are there any error/warning logs at all in the unity console (I think there should be)? If so, can you please copy/paste the whole log for me here?
    Have you tried restarting Unity?

    Please let me know.
    Thank you.

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