I’d like to animate a UI object with RectTransform, however the Animate Property feature allows access to the standard Transform component only.
If I attach a proxy script for my gameobject that has a public RectTransform, I still can’t access the RectTranform with the Animate Property (but the proxy object is selectable!)
In the ‘Animate Properties’ clip, you can still use the “Transform” properties for animating a UI RectTransform position, rotation and scale values. Thus, when you hit the “Add Property” button, simply select ‘Self/Transform/Position’ for example, and you will be able to animate the position of the UI RectTransform element as normal.
unfortunately, that is not enough for me, as I would like to animate certain RectTransform-exclusive parameters.
An example:
I have a UI image, and I’d like to animate its size. Since the UI image is a RectTransform object, its position is anchored e.g to the right.
If I modify the width, the UI image would remain anchored to the right, thus it would look like expanding from right to left.
Unfortunately this cool UI animation effect could not be achieved with a simple transform position/scale/rotation animation.
Sorry for the late reply!
I understand. The system actually supports animating RectTransforms parameters, but because right now the UI checks ‘if (object is Transform)’ and RectTransform is indeed a Transform, the menu that shows up is override where it should not have. I have already made the necessary changes for the next version and now RectTransform properties shows up correctly and possible to be animated.
If you want, I can send you the new version earlier so that you can continue with your project. If so, please just send me an email to ‘support_AT_paradoxnotion.com’ with the new version request, and I will send it to you as soon as possible.