Issue with Nested Prefab

Slate Forums Support Issue with Nested Prefab

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  • #1846

    Hi. I’m a big fan of SLATE in Japan.

    I’m trying using SLATE on Unity 2018.3.0f2. Almost all the functions work fine, but I’m stuck about some issues with nested prefab workflow. Can I have help?

    1. I sometimes can’t leave prefab edit mode after editing a cutscene
    CutsceneEditor.cs : L.244(v1.9.0) looks like it has a functionality to finish previewing a current cutscene when you leave from prefab edit mode. I found out sometimes the editor loses its reference to the current cutscene. It seems that the cutscene reference is stored as an instance id, but the id is different from an actual cutscene. And the stored instance id is destroyed cutscene’s id. As a result, the editor throws a null reference exception(by call cutscene.gameobject) and prevent me leaving from prefab edit mode.

    I can solve this problem by selecting a gameobject to which the cutscene is attached, but sometimes it can’t be solved by this method. In that case, I should restart my unity.

    This issue especially happens when I use nested prefabs which have two levels. Like this.

    2. I sometimes can’t delete a track from a cutscene
    When this issue is reproduced, a dialog pop up. The dialog said “This track is part of the prefab asset and can not be deleted from within the prefab instance. If you want to delete the track, please open the prefab asset for editing.” even though I’m editing the cutscene in prefab edit mode.

    I recorded videos and made a project to reproduce.
    (Open the project with Unity 2018.3.0f3 and import the SLATE v1.9.0 package.)

    Thank you for this great asset and reading this report.
    I’m sorry for my poor English.


    Hello there,

    Thank you! I am really glad you like Slate 🙂
    Both of these issues have already been fixed and a new version is sent to the asset store a few days ago.
    Unfortunately the new version is still pending review, but it should go live any day now.
    If you are in a hurry, I can certainly send you the new version personaly to your email though.

    Thank you!

    Join us on Discord:


    Hello, Gavalakis.

    Thank you for your so quick reply!
    I appreciate that you’ve already fixed these issues.

    > If you are in a hurry, I can certainly send you the new version personaly to your email though.
    I’m not in a hurry. I can wait for a review by the asset store.
    Thank you for your kind offer anyway!

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