I noticed a problem when trying to use PlaySection() and WrapMode.Loop. The section doesn’t loop – it just stops at the end. The Internal_UpdateCutscene coroutine continues to run, but keeps sampling the last frame. (Note: Ping-Pong and Once WrapModes both work fine.)
I reproduced the problem in a fresh project and install. I’m in Unity 2017.3f1 using Slate v1.72.
Did a bit of digging myself and it seems to be a problem with line 737 in Cutscene.cs:
currentTime = playTimeStart + float.Epsilon;
Specifically, if I change float.Epsilon to any other small number, like 0.0001f, the cutscene loops as expected.
Can you check and see if you get the same behaviour? Strange that it works for PingPong but not for Loop.