NodeCanvas Slate physics animation workflow

Slate Forums Support NodeCanvas Slate physics animation workflow

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  • #1762


    I’m trying to setup a Behaviour Tree that controls different Slate cutscenes; having a bit of trouble figuring out how to set the owner as the actor on the cutscene dynamically (like to keep the data separated for re-usability)

    also how do i mark the end of the cutscene?

    and are there Video Tutorials for Slate in english?

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    You are using the correct action task, but you just also need to supply the “Group Name” with the name of the “Actor Group” you want to replace.
    Thus in your particular example image, the name of the Actor Group, is simply “Cube (14)” which is the name of the current gameobject of that group. You can however (and probably would want to), select the Actor Group and in it’s inspector, give it a fixed identifier name, something like for example “MyGroup”. Then in the Play Cutscene Advanced action, simply fill in the “Group Name” to be “MyGroup” (or any other group name you want).

    Do by saying “mark the end of the cutscene” mean to stop the cutscene?


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    Thank you that worked 🙂

    kind of, i mean to define the cutscenes length, so the cutscene itself has the data to trigger its end and return success when “Wait Action Finish”

    without coding a custom node with a static manager, how do I handle clean up, buffer, reuse of the cutscenes (which are prefabs)

    after seeing how that worked, it seemed like i should be using NodeCanvas alone for performance concerns (instantiation, GC etc..)
    but for workflow it’s much more streamlined to animate on a timeline like Slate

    is the cutscene data and cutscene play data separated, e.g. can i run the same cutscene on different actors simultaneously with only one cutscene prefab instantiated


    Hello again and sorry for the late reply.

    The cutscene length can easily be changed with click and dragging the white marker on the timebar of the Slate editor. If the marker is no visible because it is outside of view range, you can pan the cutscene time with middle mouse button (or alt click and drag). Is that what you mean? 🙂

    The cutscene data and play data are not separated in Slate, thus for each concurent same cutscene you want to run, a different instance is required to be instantiated.

    Regarding prefab cutscene and management, in the “Play Cutscene Advanced” action task that you are using, if you check the option “Cutscene Is Prefab”, then the instantiated cutscene will automatically be destroyed once the cutscene is finished playing. Is that what you mean?

    Let me know if that works for you.
    Thank you.

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    Hello, Thank you for the support 🙂

    Yes, i made a bad assumption because i couldn’t see the end marker (my screen dpi is 200%)
    Thanks for that pan tip
    and yes, now that there’s a timely end to the cutscene i see that it’s being destroyed

    decided it’s best for me to use your DOTween extension for the small stuff (to avoid instantiating and destroying a lot)
    and then Slate for the more complex multi actor stuff (really awesome that one can preview physics in Slate in Play mode)

    i’m really glad there’s assets like NodeCanvas and Slate that let me focus on story telling rather than trying to implement my own solution

    Thank you 🙂

    Unity Prefab Beta stuff:
    UnityEditor.Experimental.SceneManagement.PrefabStage.prefabStageClosing if (cutscene == null) { return? }
    blackboard ref to a Slate prefab can be lost after editing a Slate prefab in the Prefab stage


    Thanks for the follow up! I am really glad you like Slate and NodeCanvas 🙂
    I will also take a look at the problem you mentioned.

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