I am using the new feature Path with blend out. But when I use blend out with path my gameobject returning first waypoint. Blend out not using the last waypoint. Please fix this problem.
In all clips in Slate that have to do with position, rotation or scale, the blend out parameter is used to blend the change the clip made to the gameobject, back to it’s original value.
The Blend Out in Follow Path clip is also the same, and is not used to slow down the gameobject by the end of the path. Is this what you are after? (slow down)
I am sorry, but that is not possible right now with the Follow Path clip.
You may want to alternatively use the new “Animate On Path” action clip though (also found under the “Paths” category) to have total and finer control over the position of the gameobject on a path, by animating the “Position On Path” parameter.
In that clip, a value of 0 means start of path, while a value of 1, means end of path. As such you can create an ease in or out, simply by modifying the parameter curve.
Yes, This is not a bug. The Blend Out parameter on the Follow Path clip is implemented so that it returns the object smoothly to it’s initial position/rotation and not implemented to be used for a slowdown effect. You can of course set BlendOut to 0 if you don’t want this to happen.
Please use the ‘Animate On Path’ clip if you want finer control over the speed with which the object is following the path.
Alternatively, you can of course also animate the object’s position with keyframes, using an Animate Properties Clip.
I tried Animate On Path. Create key and properties menu has bug. If I create key sometimes I cant see my keys. I set my properties value but my value is changing. Could you check this bug?
Now I see what you mean. Thanks for the gif. This was a known issue, but I am fixing this right now.
Until the fix is ready, please avoid moving the mouse outside of the clip when dragging keyframes.
Once the fix is ready, I will email it to you to your registered email (or another email? )