I am trying to use Slate with Caronte and I have downloaded and installed the Caronte FX integration extension. When I imported it, the extension created a compiler error because of a missing assembly reference for the line that I have commented out in the screenshot.
I have been trying to figure out how to use the Caronte FX integration. I cannot find any documentation for it. When I put a baked Caronte object in the scene it is visible and plays in the normal play mode but is invisible (although the object is enabled) in Slate’s camera. I have also tried loading the object as a track and creating a Caronte FX track, and a Caronte FX animation clip to play the animation, specifying the animation attached to the object. Since the object is still invisible, I can’t tell if this works either.
I tried un-commenting out the line that caused the compiler error and I can play in slate play mode (although not in normal play mode) but the object is still invisible.
Hmm. Your setup is indeed correct as far as I understand.
You indeed have to create an Actor Group by for example dragging the Baked object (the one with the CR Animation) component into Slate, then add the Caronte FX Track to that group. Finally in the Caronte FX clip, you assing the baked data, either in “Text Asset” or “CR Animation Asset” format.
Thus for example, with the “Barrel_Baked.unity” example included in CaronteFX examples folder, it would look like this:
With that said, what version of CaronteFX are you using? I haven’t tested the latest version, so there could probably be API changes indeed.
Also, regarding the fact that it is not visible, is it still visible in the “Scene View” when you scrub the time in Slate, but rather invisible only in the “Game View” when viewing though the Slate render camera, or it’s just completely invisible as soon as you start scrubing/previewing the cutscene?
Caronte version is 2.2.3 PRO, current version from Asset store. I am using unity 2017.1.2f1.
I have been having some other trouble as well. The Alembic importer doesn’t seem to function as documented. “Imported alembic files are added in the scene and parented under the Cutscene object hierarchy” – this doesn’t seem to happen. Nothing is created under Cutscene after import.
Was able to fix Caronte integration by changing LoadAnimation to LoadActiveAnimation.
Alembic integration import prefab generation functionality is messed up. If you choose to create a prefab it will not create a prefab. However if you choose not to create a prefab it will create one, although not in the Cutscene root, and is therefore usable..
Thanks for letting me know about the CaronteFX fix! I will make sure to update the extension to that fix.
Regarding the Alembic integration, the integration is based on the Unity-Japan Alembic Importer library on github, as far as importing the Alembic file and streaming it.
I just reused the Alembic Importer though to confirm and it’s really working fine on my end (Unity 2017) though.
Some important notes for your information:
1) The .abc file, should be placed under a special Unity folder named “Assets/StreamingAssets”.
2) Regardless of where the imported alembic file root gameobject is created (prefab, no prefab, under Cutscene root, or not), you can drag it under the cutscene root if you want it to be there and link it to the Alembic Track relevant inspector field.
Is it possible for you to please send me your .abc file just to confirm it specifically is working here as well, just in case is something relevant to the file rather than the importer (although I don’t think so).
Thank you!
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