Slate Forums › Support › Render Utility prob- maybe related to URP?
This is indeed a bug occurred in Unity 2019.3 because of the changed menu names. The fix is very easy and I have attached for you here the fixed file. Please let me know if rendering works for you after you import the package.
Thank you!
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Thanks for the reply and file! I tried the fix but I must be missing something still…the render utility plays the timeline and displays the animation fine as if it was working but when I look in ‘slaterenders/cutscene’ the folder is empty. Is there anything that I still need to change in project settings?(checking or unchecking the tier 1,2,3 makes no change). Should I try upgrading proj to 2019.4? THANKS!
Hello again,
I just noticed that you mentioned you are using SRP (Universal Render Pipeline) in your first post and I can confirm that right now the rendering does not work with SRP. The reason is that the FrameCapturer library ( that is used in Slate for rendering, does not support SRP and apparently has not been updated ever since. 🙁
I will try to modify it to work with SRP and if that does not seem to work, then I will probably replace it and move to the officially released Unity Recorder ( which seems like it does. You could probably also directly use Unity Recorder with Slate right now, but of course a more neat integration with it will be much better! 🙂
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Thanks for the reply! I am relieved that it wasn’t just me. My work around for the moment is using Deckard Render for output ..which is excellent and dependably renders every frame at any resolution up to 4k with great controls that I am just starting to scratch the surface of. In the Deckard Render package there is a Slate implementation utility. I haven’t gotten this to work yet, so I am still stuck with timeline for now..(.perhaps the same URP prob?). I would love to see a tighter integration between Slate and Deckard. I don’t think I could go back to to unity recorder after seeing the DR output. I guess I jumped the gun going to URP, I am really looking forward to using SLATE 2.0!