Report some bugs and Request some features for 1.80

Slate Forums Support Report some bugs and Request some features for 1.80

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  • #1575

    SLATE is amazing! And i hope it be more and more great.

    1. Cutscene prefab will be changed if you select or instantiate prefab. This is inconvenient with version control.
    2. Shot Camera reference will be missing when copy a camera shot clip to another cutscene and save the cutscene to prefab.

    1. Spherical coordinates. It is useful when using Dynamic Shot Controller.
    2. View sub-cutscene in a main-cutscene using sub-cutscene camera track.



    Thanks a lot! I am really glad you like Slate! 🙂
    Please let me address your points.

    1. Indeed. This is something that needs to be fixed so that it’s not marked as dirty when simply panning around the cutscene.
    2. Camera Shots clips, reference a Shot Camera gameobject, that usually lives as a child of the Cutscene within which the camera was originally created. If you make a prefab which references a gameobject that is not child of that same prefab, Unity can’t store the reference. The fact that assets (like prefabs are), can’t have scene object references, is a typical Unity workflow thing. Is that what you meant?

    1. Can you please explain what you mean by “spherical coordinates”? 🙂
    2. Do you mean completely viewing the cutscene and able to edit it “inline” of the parent cutscene?

    Let me know.

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    Thanks for your reply!
    I’m not good at writing English, HAHA!

    2.What I mean is that the copy of CameraShot clip is not valid for pasting to another cutscene due to shotCamera reference to origin cutscene GameObject!

    Artist of my project wants spherical coordinates for rotating camera around a model instead of creating paths. And I have add this feature by adding a spherical-position animated parameter to CameraShot.
    2.We create a whole cutscene for view overall effect, then splitting it to many sub-cutscenes. We have to split the whole cutscene again If changing the whole cutscene. I think it might be great if the whole cutscene just references to sub-cutscene and use sub-cutscene camera to view.


    Feature Two may too complicated for current framework of SLATE, just tell it to you for discussing.
    I know there is Section concept, but we don’t want to load the whole cutscene, it’s too large!


    Hello again,

    No problem!

    2. Yes, indeed. Copy pasting a clip, does not copy paste the camera shot object too, but it still references the same camera shot object. This is really mostly by design, so that the same shot is referenced (same settings as well).

    1. It’s interesting. I should be able to add something like this. Can you share with me how your implementation works, so that it works similarly when implemented?
    2. This is also interesting to have, but indeed is very difficult and would require a heavy lot of editor code refactoring. I might alternatively implement a more minimal “preview” (something like what is shown when a “Group” is minimized maybe?

    Thank you!

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